The first step toward saving this college was sending this guy back to Massachusetts

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It is time for some sunshine on what is going on around here.

Time to stop complaining amongst ourselves in the faculty lounge and do something!  HAD ENOUGH?? Or did the $1000 check buy you off for good?  Lets send O'Donnell back to Boston!  Do you realize this guy still doesn't even live here after almost 8 years as President of this college?  He still flies home on the weekends at taxpayers expense to Boston.  But we taxpayers also pay for him to have an apartment to live in during the week.  Remember when he floated the rumor about taking another job and got the board to pay him some huge bonuses to stick around?  Nice job there John!!!  This blog will expose the secrets they don't want you to know about.  Email with your tips.  This is for staff issues too so don't be shy.  We don't want to know who you are, just send your inside information here using a free email account.  Post what you think in the comments but don't slander anyone.  So here is the first thing that you probably do not know because of all the secrecy.  The Engineering Division is going to be split in two.  YEPP, another Dean is just what we need NOT more FACULTY right??????????????  UNBELIEVABLE!!


Tell your coworkers about this page.  HAVE A VOICE AGAIN!!!

Arnold  aka SSS

John O'Donnell
Stark State College