Remember the happy day you recieved this?
From: O'Donnell, John
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 10:08 AM
To: All SSCT Mailboxes
Subject: Memo to the College Community from John O'Donnell
I am writing to inform the College community that I am a candidate for the Presidency of Northern Essex Community College in Massachusetts. Today this will become public information, and I want the entire college to hear it directly from me.
Our Board Chairman, Dr. Michael Thomas, has authorized the release of the statement below:
On behalf of Dr. Michael Thomas, Chair of the Board of Trustees at Stark State College, the Board is aware of and supports Dr. O’Donnell considering new professional challenges.
During Dr. O’Donnell’s tenure, Stark State College has evolved substantially, and at this time we are strong in access, student success, diversity, faculty, staff, academic programs, facilities, fiscal viability, resource development, and community partnerships.
We have also built a strong executive staff along with exceptional leadership and commitment throughout the entire college. We are well placed to continue advancing our mission and serving the citizens, businesses, and communities of Stark County.
This is, I believe, a wonderful time in the history of Stark State College. A time brought about by the spirit, commitment, and expertise of our administration, faculty, and staff as well as the contributions of our trustees and community/corporate partners. I feel a level of comfort in exploring other professional opportunities given my belief that our path of progress for the next ten years is already set and we have all the necessary talent and spirit to get us there. An e-mail does not capture what I would like to communicate to each and every one of you for your assistance to me and support of this college.
With appreciation,
Blah, blah, blah. It reads like a thank you and adios message from the board instead of another $250,000 check like they gave him the last time he pulled this garbage. SO why is he still here? Could our pathetic graduation rates have scared Northern Essex Community College away? Our (still travels back home to Massachusetts on the weekends) President put out the rumor that he turned the job down but don't you wonder what was the truth? How in the world did he not get that job???
Did you know that even with the massive enrollment growth that we have LESS applicants for graduation this year than last? HOOBOY, the administration is in a panic, but little we can do about it. We can teach the ones that want to learn, but not much you can do with students who won't turn in their assignments or come to class. Could the problem be that you aren't following the advice of the Provost to be more involved in your students lives??? But this is what you get when you tempt every unemployed, homeless, or senior citizen in Stark County with a fat check to come here. Everyone knows you come to Stark State and get a check right? Is there anyone we didn't get the message out to, because we don't want this growth to stop and mess up Dear Leaders resume before he can get that next big job!! C'mon people, we need everybody to do their part.
So to borrow an expression, how is that shared governance thing working out for ya? Told you back in November that the Engineering Division was going to be split. Looks like Dear Leader finally stuck enough pins in his voodoo doll of the Dean that he decided to retire rather than endure anymore pain. Oh, you thought he wanted to retire? So there was a vote on what to rename what is left of the new and supposedly improved Engineering Division. The votes were tallied and sent onward to the great minds residing within the administration and the one guy whose vote matters picked something other than what the majority of the faculty picked. Shared Governance is sure great isn't it? But we all know how it works around here, ONE MAN makes all the decisions. Accountable to none but the Board of Trustees. Our board stands as a bulwark against anything that could damage the quality of this institution or the continual improvement of our enrollment numbers! Thank God for the board!!! Hip Hip Hooray! Here is a picture of our beloved Board of Trustees. Unfortunately we only have Dear Leaders hand in this picture.
Email Arnold at
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