The first step toward saving this college was sending this guy back to Massachusetts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Our "Dear Leader" is packing up his carpet bag and heading back to Massachusetts!! 

He will probably announce it at the All College Communication session tomorrow.  Try not to burst out in a spontaneous cheer as that would be unkind don't you think?  High fives in the faculty lounge are okay though!

You heard it here first.  

A big "thanks" to those of you who have emailed with comments and information.  We will be here picking up the pieces and returning Stark State College back to a QUALITY place of education.

I guess King O'Donnell found out that the enrollment numbers were flat for this fall and decided to jump ship.  Thanks for running the place into the ground and then bailing out, way to go John!  This way you will be able to claim that the drop in enrollment happened after your time here, right?

A great occasion like this calls for some celebration cake, don't you think?