The first step toward saving this college was sending this guy back to Massachusetts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ABJ solves missing persons puzzle!

Today the Akron Beacon Journal was the first to answer the question being asked by this blog: Where is the Stark State College VP of HR?  Link:

The Canton Repository has also weighed in Link:

President Jones, why are we getting our information from the media? Why not a simple announcement that VP Jones was on administrative leave? Don't leave the employees still manning the Human Resources department to shrug their shoulders with a look of dismay and fear to tell us that she is on personal leave. Handling the situation this way is right out of the John O'Donnell playbook. It is apparent that you are getting advice from the same people who advised him. Do consider finding some new people to seek advice from.

Here is some free advice, be truthful, be timely, strive for transparency, don't let a situation like this fester.  The college didn't have to say why she is on leave, just acknowledge that she is.

Looking at the definition of TRANSPARENT, part 2d applies to this specific situation.
1  a: having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : pellucid (2): allowing the passage of a specified form of radiation (as X-rays or ultraviolet light)
 b: fine or sheer enough to be seen through : diaphanous

2 a: free from pretense or deceit : frank b: easily detected or seen through : obvious c: readily understood d: characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices

Arnold is going to have to go underground for a while.  I've been tipped off that the college computer people have been instructed to find out my identity.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welcome Dr. Jones

The wide majority of us, including your intrepid author are ecstatic that one of our own has come back to Stark State to pick up the pieces left after the disastrous O'Donnell administration. 

Job well done on undoing King O'Donnells  top-down-nobody-can-interfere-in any-of-my-decisions organization chart.  Clearly some of O'Donnells pets are being shown the way toward the door.  We ask only that you move faster please!  The next Save Stark State report will go into this issue.

Today we have to file a missing persons report.  Where is Vice President Celeste Jones?  She has not been seen here since July 10.  VP Celeste Jones was also conspicuously missing from the organizational restructuring released on July 23.  We believe that if the Dr. Para Jones administration is going to operate in a more transparent manner than her predecessor did then we are due some sort of announcement on this issue rather than continued silence.