The first step toward saving this college was sending this guy back to Massachusetts

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Provost on the way out?


Another leftover John O'Donnell hack is coming under fire from the college community.  A finalist for president at Owens Community College back in February, Dr. Diab has been announced as a finalist at North Central State College.  Influential members of the Faculty Association are now talking openly about a statement of no confidence for the Provost.  We have had as much as we can take with his meddling ways and total lack of leadership.  Obviously he doesn't want to be here, so why don't we give him a head start on down the road?  The administration has gotten word and is scrambling to keep this from boiling over.  You don't want to miss seeing the fur fly at this Friday's Faculty Association meeting where Dr. Jones will be in attendance.  See you there!